Stephanie White

Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in Bristol and Bath

Privacy Policy


As part of our ongoing therapy relationship, I hold some of your personal information on a Client Contact form, for example, full name, address, email address, ‘phone number, GP name and address.

In line with good practice, and as required by my insurance providers, I also keep a record of the dates of each session attended (or cancelled/rescheduled) and may keep a brief comment on the factual content discussed. 



The Client Contact form summarising your personal information is stored in a locked filing cabinet.

Client details are stored in a locked filing cabinet, identified by a client code. Information is kept for the duration of the work and then as advised by my insurance provider.

Your ‘phone number is stored on my ‘phone with your client code only but your email address may give your name in more detail. The devices I use to access these different methods of communication are password protected.

I use email addresses and ‘phone numbers to:

  • Respond to communications I have received from clients.
  • Contact clients by email, ‘phone or text about any changes to session times due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Deal with payments.

Please note that email and text messages are not entirely secure because they pass through multiple servers. Whilst a security breach is not likely, it is a possibility. You may therefore consider it prudent to use text and email only for administrative matters such as cancellations, lateness etc, and not for anything else which we can discuss in session.

I would only contact your GP with your consent, unless I was concerned that you, or someone you had mentioned, were at risk of serious harm (this is an exceptional circumstance and I will inform you in advance, if possible).

If you pay me by bank transfer, your name may appear on my bank statements. I access these online, and there are several layers of password protection. A paper copy is also held in a locked cabinet as part of my Self-Assessment Tax Return compliance. If you prefer, we can agree a different way of labelling your payments.

In line with good practice, your contact details are also available online (password protected) to my professional executor (one of my colleagues) so that they would be able to contact you in the event of my death, or if I became ill and was unable to contact you myself. My colleague is also bound by confidentiality and, if my absence proved permanent, they would also ensure that all personal data relating to you will be deleted at the recommended time.

Your records will not be shared with any other third party without your permission unless I am ordered to do so by a court of law.

I discuss client work with a clinical supervisor and supervision group, to support my work with you, but I do not share names or other identifying details.

Further information about the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) is available on the Information Commissioner’s Office

Get in Touch

If you are a therapist, I have some blocks of time which I am looking to sublet; please contact me for days and rates.

If you are interested in working with me, then please call to arrange an initial session. Or, you can send me an email via the email contact form, and I will be in touch at my earliest opportunity.

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